Ministry in Nyanzale: Part 1 (Part 2 to come…)

8/02/2011 04:45:00 PM sendtheroths 0 Comments

 Recently, we went to Nyanzale which is a far reaching town in Masisi zone. This town has been devastated time after time by the violence and instability. Peace is returning but still, the road can be traveled at only certain times to avoid altercations with robbers and/or rebels.

Difficult Conditions!
We received Pastor Steve Ferrante, a pastor from Amethyst’s home church and was with us during this trip. It is nearly a five hour drive to Nyanzale from Goma but yet it is only 130 kilometers. The road is fairly good (meaning corrugated hard pack dirt) for most of the way but at 2/3 of the way the road turns to deep ruts to muddy deep ruts to potholes everywhere to becoming almost impassable without a 4WD vehicle. (Praise the Lord for our Toyota Surf and off-road driving experience.)

New Revelation for Churches
We stopped at several strategic rural villages and ministered the Word to pastors and ministry leaders. In one town, we ministered to many leaders from many denominations. We told them our vision and that we would like to see the Church work together in unity to make a good change in Congo. They had never had a muzungu come to their village and moreover, nobody ever thought to work together in ministry! They came to the revelation that they can work together and are excited to begin partnering to achieve unity!

Holy Spirit for the Demobilized Child Soldiers
In Nyanzale center we were able to minister in two churches and also had a pastors meeting. The meeting went well and they were encouraged. But the highlight was ministering to the demobilized child soldiers. These children have been recruited around age 12 to 15 and now have somehow escaped the rebel militias.

Pastor Steve ministered in power and they were very encouraged to hear that God has forgiven them and that they have a future and a purpose. Afterwards, Pastor Steve prayed with them to receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and after some time, the Holy Spirit fell and many began to speak in tongues! Praise the Lord! They were excited and we were excited! God was magnified and you could visibly see a spiritual regeneration in their lives.

Pray for a Positive Change!
We were able to pray over many people and encourage hundreds with the Word of God. This was a great trip with the Holy Spirit guiding the whole way. Pray for the Lord to continue to grow the people ministered to. Pray the people who accepted Christ would grow in their walk. Pray that those filled with the Holy Spirit would continue to exercise their faith.