The Conference in Rwanda - Video and Pics

9/21/2011 12:58:00 PM sendtheroths 0 Comments

Amethyst giving a message
Our (Andrew and I) last two weeks in Congo together was spent helping to conduct a conference in Rwanda (video below) with some of the elders from Global Outreach Foundation and also a close partnering organization called World Outreach Ministry Foundation.

The organizations brought African leaders from Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and we brought our core group from Congo. It was a time, we thought, for them to be poured into and create good relationships.
Some of the Congo team

The truth is, we got more out of it then any of the Congolese did.

The Lord poured into Andrew and I like a waterfall.

He gave us peace after feeling weary and frustrated. He gave us clear direction after spending two months fighting for an end-result we were unclear about. He gave us a mandate when we were simply asking for a confirmation.    And most importantly, he revealed to us some key areas of weakness in our ministry and brought us to repentance.
Alter call during a meeting

We sat with elders like Dean Niforatos, Steven Mayanja and Shannon Coenen to brainstorm about what was next for Congo. They would give us their advice and wisdom... But nothing was solidified in our hearts until I had a dream.

I won’t share the whole dream, but there was one word that echoed through the dream. The word was foundations.

God gave us a strong word about the responsibility we needed to take in building a strong foundation in Congo. A foundation that others could lean on that will last beyond our ministry.

The point of decision
It seems in my life, that there is always a special point of decision, a point of reckless abandonment. It’s the point where you stop thinking about all the costs and just say “yes.”

That point came for us during the conference in Rwanda. We realized Congo is going to take more commitment then we had imagined—more money, time and more flat  out responsibility. I think that if God had revealed this to us three years ago—we would have declined the invitation. But he’s shown us with clarity now.

Phase Two
This clarity has lead us into a sort of “phase two” in the Congo-vision.

We returned home with our feet hitting the ground and running. There’s a new pace, new anointing and a lot doors that seem more open then they were before. But with that, there’s definitely a different kind of gravity over us, we have a lot more responsibility and a lot more drive—but it doesn’t feel as burdensome as it has in the past. It’s been easier to dedicate the mornings to prayer and messages, dreams and words have been coming from every direction.

We will begin to share more about phase two in our upcoming newsletters and blogs. We ask that you cover Andrew, me, and our staff (even those we don’t have yet) in a prayer. I know that there’s a lot of progress being made at this time in almost every aspect of our lives and sadly, that means the enemy is probably out to mess something up along the way.