Pray for the Vote and Peace in Congo

12/07/2011 12:23:00 PM sendtheroths 0 Comments

Voters voicing concerns
(AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
November 28 marked only the second free democratic election in 51 years. This election has been marred by violence with 18 dead and over 100 injured throughout the country based on international observers. Congo (DRC) has received international attention as a result of multiple civil wars, gender based violence, recruitment of child soldiers and vast mineral resources. President Joseph Kabila was quickly placed into power after the death of his father, Laurent Kabila was assassinated in 2001. Joseph Kabila won the election in 2006 and based on the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) overseeing the vote tally, he leads this election by 16% with 89% of polling centers counted.
Sorting ballot boxes and votes
(AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Many throughout Congo accuse the national electoral commission of rigging the vote. The lead opposition Etienne Tshisekedi has voiced his concerns over the election. "I appeal to all our people to remain vigilant," Tshisekedi said. "If necessary I will give them the go-ahead," he added, without specifying exactly what kind of go-ahead. Many fear violent uprisings if indeed Kabila is re-elected.

Violence has caused a delay in results
Violence has caused a delay in the election results as the CENI fears widespread violence. The result sheets have yet to be fully compiled, but many votes may be unaccounted for as bags containing ballots have been damaged or heaped into a pile awaiting to be counted. Some ballots have still yet to arrive at the capital Kinshasa from remote polling stations.
"We don't have all the results sheets from the 169 local results compilation centers," CENI spokesman Matthieu Mpita told AFP.

Several African nations have donated helicopters and airplanes to aid in transporting ballots due to the lack of infrastructure and enormous size of the country.

Intercede for the nation
Throughout this whole process, pray for the Congolese people! Congo has suffered for years. An entire generation has never seen peace. They refer to it as a far off, distant concept rather than an obtainable position. As missionaries in the Congo our entire ministry revolves around bringing the Gospel which is both peace and blessing. We have seen firsthand, heroic tales of forgiveness and radical transformation. Yet, this election has the potential to spurn Congo into another downward spiral of violence.

Ultimately, the people are the ones that suffer. Please take the time to offer a prayer for the Congolese. We have to believe that the Lord is in control of the situation and that He will respond.

Please pray that:
- The electoral committee would be righteous in handling and counting the ballots. Pray that there would not be a corrupt voting scandal driving Congo into further violence.

- There will be a peaceful remainder of the electoral process as the final votes are counted. The Congolese have until December 17 to unveil the winner.

- God would place into power the president that will lead the country in a manner pleasing to the Lord. Pray that the next leader will listen to the voice of the Lord and obey.

- The people would not suffer at the hands of corrupt leaders seeking their own prideful gain rather than the best interests of the Congolese people.

- Safety of the expatriate community working as missionaries and humanitarian workers dispatched to Congo seeking to make a positive impact on the lives of the Congolese.

In closing, I would also like you to pray James 3:13-18 over the Congolese people.

13 Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. 16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing. 17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. 18 And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.