Warlords regrouping in northeast Congo

4/06/2012 08:46:00 AM sendtheroths 1 Comments

About 300 loyalists to the warlord Bosco Ntaganda’s CNDP (National Congress of Defense of the People), the same militia group responsible for the rebellion in 2008, have been reported missing on Sunday from the Congolese national army. 

A member of the CNDP. Photo by Uriel Sinai/Getty Images
CNDP is responsible for displacing the majority of the people who live in the village where we plan to build to training center. In 2008, tanks, infantry and fleeing civilians, overtook the main road.

Attacks from different militia groups have displaced well over and 7,000 people this month. These militias include, but are not limited to LRA, CNDP and FDLR.

The people are afraid. 

We need you to pray.
It has been my observation that since the record-breaking KONY 2012 video created by Invisible Children, Congo has seen an increased number of attacks to civilians in the northeast. Not only has LRA increased their attacks, but it also appears that other militia groups are regrouping.

As long as this country remains in war, the possibility for development is nil. We expect to build the GOFC-Training Center in these areas, which are considered volatile by military and civilian standards.

If these militia groups successfully reorganize themselves and launch an attack, we may find our GOF-Congo team fighting an uphill battle only growing steeper.

Prayer Points
-       Love to cast out fear in Congo - 1 John 1:5: eastern Congo is riddled with fear and anxiety. Pray for our friends and co-laborers to overcome this spirit and have a proactive response.
-       We know that all leadership is God-ordained, even those which we don’t understand. Pray that someone with power over these warlords would do something.
-       Pray for the organizations and people who are working to see change in this region that has been labeled as ‘unchangeable’. Pray for perseverance and supernatural protection: Global Outreach Foundation, World Relief, World Vision, Heal Africa and even United Nations.
-       Pray for guidance: we need God’s guidance in setting the foundation for GOF-Congo. We don’t want to be moved by fear, but we don’ want to throw caution to the wind. Let us not confused faith and presumption.

News Sources:

1 comment :

  1. We are praying over this tonight in CPR

