Evacuate Goma, DRC?

7/28/2012 01:52:00 PM sendtheroths 3 Comments

I woke up this morning with recipes in my head, planning for an expatriate Bible study that we are hosting in our house on Sunday. All that stopped when we got a phone call from our expatriate friends saying they are leaving the country.

FARDC (Congolese national army) on a patrol in Goma by a key roundabout
The US embassy recently sent a message to citizens of the USA advising them to evacuate the city of Goma, DRC. This is the city that we live in.

The rebel group, called M23 has been making advances toward Goma for the past two months, overtaking key cities on the map of North Kivu, DRC. I was awakened last night by a fleet of United Nations helicopter gunships fluttering past the house. Andrew went on the balcony to see what was going on. I closed my eyes and prayed.

“Lord, protect this city. Protect these people.”

Behind the noise of the helicopters, we heard people wailing and the sound of a traditional Congolese drum beating. The nearby church was having an all night prayer meeting. The sound of desperate people petitioning to God in the midst of attack helicopters is yet another memory that will stick with me for life.

We listened to the wailing until we fell asleep. In Congo, there is no noise curfew. Their wails were comforting to me: a sign that God is in this place.

Undercover photography behind the safety of tinted glass
We heard this morning that the helicopters spotted M23 soldiers ten kilometers outside of the Goma, that’s what all the fuss was about last night. We later heard that this information is unconfirmed and that M23 is actually forty kilometers away. This is according to UN security.

Rumors are flying around Goma like boomerangs. People are saying that M23 is actually in the city somewhere, hiding.

Many aid workers have left the country. Many of our friends, who we were expecting to host tomorrow for Bible study are either gone or leaving tonight.

We consulted with one of our GOF-C board members, German Kahunde, about whether or not to leave. He is a Congolese United Nations Security Officer. He advised that we should stay. This was a confirmation to what we already had in our hearts.

We got a message from another Congolese friend, McCarthy two days ago asking for prayers because he is stuck in one village which has been overtaken by rebels. We also received a call from Paul Buyana, another GOF-C board member who lives in Goma that a bomb went off in his sub-division, injuring two people. I guess the UN made a boo-boo when firing a bomb.

Crazy? I know.
We are staying in Congo. But I’m not sure if it’ll be necessary to make that artichoke dip for the get-together tomorrow…


  1. Father God, I pray that in this very moment Your loving arms would surround Andrew and Amethyst and provide protection for them as well as the others who are there doing Your will. Give them wisdom and insight as to what they are to do each day. Give them confirmation for any decision they may make. Thank you God for Your love, grace, mercy and protection that goes before them, along side of them, and behind them. Be their front line and their rear guard. Thank You Jesus and in Your name I pray, AMEN

  2. Amethyst and Andrew, since your post yesterday I have been praying and trying to read about what is happening there, but unfortunately, nothing is very recent. we will be praying for your safety and for wisdom in being able to accomplish all God has there for you to accomplish. I believe you have authority in that region. Please keep us up to date and let us know specifically what to pray for. Artichoke dip still sounds good. Love you guys.

  3. Amethyst and Andrew, Our family and church will be praying for you. Praying that God will give you peace, wisdom in all that you do and protection.
