Update Video: Internally Displaced People

7/03/2012 02:09:00 PM sendtheroths 2 Comments

The war in Congo has intensified this year, displacing thousands of people. Making those who we would have considered unreachable, now in our backyard. We have continually reached out to camps to help the local church as well as minister love and healing to people who are in the darkest hours of their lives.

Accompanied by two young visitors, Andrew and I revisited an internally displaced people (IDP) camp that we’ve worked in for four years. We continued to give Bibles to local leaders and walk from tent-to-tent looking for people who would not only accept Jesus, but also to forgive the people who have destroyed their lives.

We encountered pastors who two years before were so discouraged, but are now shining with gratefulness. They were able restart a church in the camp after a crusade we held two years ago. The stories of radical forgiveness and faith in the midst of strife are all detailed on www.sendtheroths.com

God is using His people to heal the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Won't you join this movement?

Prayer Points
  • Traveling to the red-zone: to work with demobilized child soldiers this week.
  • Renting a temporary location: to hold prophetic prayer, worship and discipleship training for young leaders of GOF-C.
  • Official GOF-C documents: we need these documents to formally own and build on land. It’s been nearly a year since we started this process.
  • Laborors: we need more people to make short and long term commitments to help in Congo.


  1. Amethyst and Andrew thank you, thank you so so much for sharing what your guys are doing in Congo. It is awsome what you are doing over there. I pray that God keep using you in all the things that you will do in Congo. Jenny we love you, we are so proud of you, so, so proud. WE LOVE YOU WITH ALL OUR HEART.GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

  2. Your very brave souls
