What does love look like for 50,000 displaced people?

10/14/2012 02:19:00 AM sendtheroths 0 Comments

We need to raise $400 for on-going ministry with war refugees.

An internally displaced child shelters himself from the rain.
Congolese from the leadership-training program raised $40 for the outreach this week. These are people, who don’t have much. But they are putting their training into practice. They are going with us to the camp: being the peacemakers; the hands and feet of Jesus. We need at least $400 to make this outreach and the remainder of the leadership training to happen. The internally displaced are in need many things from medicine to food to clothes to psychological help. We want to at least have the budget to help anyone that might be in a serious crisis, based on how the Lord leads.

Andrew held multiple trainings with the leaders in the camp (who are also displaced). We are dedicated to helping these leaders heal, so that they can transfer this to the people in the camp.

Next Sunday, our disciples from the leadership-training program are bringing a choir with music to the camp. Music is extremely important to Congolese. Music lifts their spirits and the people in this camp need it.

Thanks to your generous donations, we are equipping the leaders and pastors that we are training in the camp with Bibles.

It pains me to know that there are SO many people who are suffering in this camp and that all we can offer is music, training and Bibles for the leaders along with short words of encouragement. I wish that we could do so much more. But we aren’t there yet. We need not despise humble beginnings.

We are believing that this outreach can be the extra push these people need keep going. The training for the leaders is incredibly important, because they must also push pass the trauma of being displaced. They must continue to move forward. They aren't forgotten. Their life isn't over. They have to know that.

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