Come to Congo

5/10/2013 03:10:00 PM sendtheroths 0 Comments

We are kicking off both the first and second level of the leadership-training course tomorrow at the Goma Training Center. We have moved to a larger building (pictures are coming soon!) and the Congolese are tirelessly working to prepare for the kick off. Let me explain a little about our courses.

First level “Phase 1” Course
The GOF-C training is a 14-week course that is designed to train members of the community to become leaders. We use Biblical truths as the basis for all leadership and principals of development. This course is designed as an interactive, introspective, community-based learning program whereby each participant will practice everything that they learn in order to complete the course.

Second level “Phase 2” Course
We have short-term visiters do specialized trainings
and seminars that we would otherwise not do, because of
the lack of man power. 
Phase 2 of the GOF-C leadership training utilizes reading, discussion and focus groups to draw upon key principles of development out of Biblical texts. Members of the training read through the entire Bible and draw out reoccurring themes of reconciliation, redemption, justice and development. Focus groups will be a key element of the training to help members achieve the visions that they have written about in the previous “Phase 1” trainings. Practicums are also an important part of the training.

Andrew and I describe it this way. Phase 1 teaches our disciples the principles of leadership and about the supernatural God. Phase 2 actually gets them to apply the principles of a leadership and walk in the supernatural. Phase 2 takes nearly two years to complete, but it is exhaustive. Congolese will begin launching their own development projects through the training center in Phase 2. They will also be translating and interpreting the materials to teach out in the village—specifically the red zones.

Between running a House of Prayer, two intensive discipleship programs, English courses, child soldier reintegration and various other projects that you’ll here about in the next few weeks… you might wonder… how are they managing to do all this?

Two answers.

Congolese are some of the best note-takers that I know!
We have Congolese that we have been discipled for more than four years now that are the driving force behind these projects. Also, we have people from the United States who are committing one, two, even three months of their time to help.

Here is the newsletter of one college kid who has taken the plunge to spend three months pouring into the Congolese. He and his colleague, Melissa turned down a grant totaling $8,000 from their school to work in Congo.

The university was only willing to award money if they went to a country that was not on the US Department of States “no-go” list. Despite the fact the University of Central Arkansas and the US Department of State recommends that they shouldn’t go to an active warzone. They are going anyway.
