Video: Child Soldiers = Peacemakers

6/22/2013 05:50:00 PM sendtheroths 0 Comments

The Peacemaker Program is designed to help transform children who were instruments of war into instruments of peace.

We recently hired a full-time coordinator for the program and held an in-depth planning meeting for the upcoming year regarding discipleship, healing and education.

We also visited the home of each child in our program. Many of them live together in small huts or with random people from the village as a result of having lost their family.

♥ Pray for land purchase: we planned to purchase a 1.5 acre plot in Masisi last month, but obstacles have delayed the process.

♥ Pray for empowerment: there is a fine line between helping people heal from traumatic experiences to improve their quality of life and digging them further into the deep hole of dependency and inferiority.

♥ Pray for a Land Cruiser: we notice the limitations of our 5-person 4-cylinder Toyota 4Runner. There’s a growing need for a larger, more robust vehicle. A used Toyota Land Cruiser costs around $35,000.

♥ Pray for the House of Prayer: we are teaching Congolese to sing the Word and spontaneous choruses for intercession. We also have a number of visitors coming to host all night intercession and worship.

♥ Pray for our disciples: a growing number of Congolese disciples are coming under us. We never want discipleship to be a program. We want it to be real and personal.

♥ Interpretation/Translation: a team of Congolese from the Goma Training Center is changing the leadership-training curriculum to make it applicable for the village. This is not a small undertaking.

♥ Pray for laborers: our short-term visitors are such a blessing. They help us accomplish much more than what we could ever do alone. Pray for more laborers, both foreign and national.

♥ Pray for partnerships: the deeper our work becomes in Congo, the more need there is for partnerships with other organizations. We can’t do everything ourselves. Unfortunately, many organizations, even spirit-filled Christian ones have kept us at arm's length.

♥ Pray for us: one of the most important parts of being a leader is setting yourself on a high place to gain vision and direction for your team: time to think things through; time to weep for the people you are working with.