Connecting with national ministries…

6/24/2011 03:09:00 PM sendtheroths 0 Comments

Of course I have been preaching in many churches and spreading God’s Word every place that I go. The schedule some days is completely full: preaching in the morning, making a house visit and then preaching in the afternoon, then possibly even an evening service. Preaching, teaching and praying this often is great but also can be draining if one is not careful to mind their spiritual, emotional and physical condition.
But in addition to ministering, sometimes it is good to see and visit other ministries. Just taking time to hear about their heart and vision can be very rewarding, let alone actually seeing it firsthand. 

Very rarely does a businessman fear and follow God. Well with this man he fears God, has a thriving business and believes in helping those less fortunate. He has many works in the city and in more remote areas. At the particular center I went to, he provides food for orphan toddlers and operates a school for needy children. This really is a big work and how they operate on such little funds, is beyond me. But somehow they are able to continue the work of God.

This man of God also operates a local non-government organization (NGO) that reaches out to orphans, widows, child soldiers, raped women, pygmies and those overlooked by society. They have training seminars and teach them trades to be self-sustaining while also sharing the Gospel with them. 

Full Gospel and Christian Business Alliance
Two days ago, I met with the leader of Full Gospel Fellowship and the Christian Businessman’s Alliance in Congo. Their goal is to train pastors and help them succeed with a business to help fund their ministry. In fact, they won’t ordain a pastor until he has completed their business training curriculum in addition to their Biblical studies. Another main goal of their organization is to hold city wide prayer events and other ministry training seminars to advance the Kingdom of God.

A storied history and our future work!
Recently, I met with the legal representative for the Congolese Baptist Church. Though I am not Baptist, they are very organized and the CBC has a long history of work in Congo, over 80 years… They have many projects including churches, schools, health centers, community development projects, etc. 

In meeting with them and sharing our heart and vision, they really would like to partner with us. This being said, not just us giving funds or resources but they really want to be a blessing to us to help our ministry! May the Lord guide and direct this relationship. The legal representative loves our vision for ministry and even said that we could utilize their land for community development and church planting projects. He was very quick to offer their full cooperation for organizing rural pastor conferences and training seminars that are multi-denominational.