Travel to Masisi: Ministry in the Red Zone...

7/09/2011 06:03:00 AM sendtheroths 3 Comments

We are traveling to Masisi today (Saturday) and returning on Monday. This is an exciting trip for us because it is our first time into Masisi. In the past several years Masisi was nearly impossible to travel throughout due to high activity by rebel militias. Masisi has been one of the hardest hit regions of North Kivu by the ongoing war and instability. Because it is such a large area and overwhelming amount of instability few organizations have been able to access the more far reaching areas within this territory.

Our trip to Masisi involves several aspects. Primarily this trip is to survey the area to find out the many needs, make relationship with community and church leaders, and of course to minister the Gospel. Because this has been a home front to conflict many children have been recruited into both the national army and rebel militas. We are trying to identify them, their needs and how to prepare for future work. We are going there to listen and hear their stories.

Also, many of you have read in our email newsletter that Pastor Jean is in DR Congo. He is an American citizen but fled the Congo during the war. His home village is Kibabi which so happens to be in Masisi Territory. We are excited to return with him to his home village, he has not seen in over 12 years.

Please pray for us and our travels. Pray for safety in our travels. Pray that we will not have any vehicle breakdowns and that God uses us mightily.


  1. Praise the Lord! What a powerful time it will be for Pastor Jean to return home. May this homecoming be a healing balm to the people there and may you all have x-ray vision to scout out the enemy's plans before he has time to put them into action. Lord be with you as you go!

  2. God, you have given them feet to move, and a mind to imagine new things and places and people. You have made them to travel and explore your wonderful world

    May it be Your will, Lord my God, to lead them on the way of peace, healing, and guide and direct their
    steps in peace, so that You will bring them happily to your unfold plans and there destination safe and
    sound. Save and protect them from danger on the way. Give them good grace, kindness and favor in both Your eyes and in the eyes of all whom they may meet. Hear this prayer, for you are a God who
    hears to the heart's supplication and communion. Blessed are You, Lord our God, who hears prayer.

    love you guys<><

  3. wow, whats the full name of Pastor Jean? I'm also from Masisi,
