Amethyst & Clarence Return to the US & Please Pray for Us!

8/08/2011 11:55:00 AM sendtheroths 0 Comments

Amethyst and Clarence are returning back to the US today. I put them on the plane a few hours ago. They return back to the US changed forever by the experiences God has allowed us to partake. Pray that Amethyst and Clarence have a great flight home: that it can be filled with prayer and resting in the Lord. Also, please pray that when they arrive back in the US that they would be able to work hard at what the Lord has purposed them to do.

Pray for the Next Few Weeks
- I return back to Congo in a few days from a joint Pastor's Conference done by Global Outreach Foundation and World Outreach Ministry Foundation in Kigali, Rwanda. Pray for safe travels back and that God would continue encountering the people touched and changed.

- Pray for divine favor in getting the rest of the documents completed in the DR Congo. I have two weeks to get the NGO paperwork completed, so we can be fully recognized in the DRC. Also, we need to switch some documents on our 4x4 vehicle. Pray for the finances to obtain the documents and favor to get them completed in time! If you feel lead to help, click here. From what I have been told, we are short about $1,000USD.

- Pray that God gives us divine vision and supernatural favor as we return to the United States. We need to increase our base support but also raise finances for start up ministry costs in the Congo. Specifically we will begin raising finances for ministry compound construction. This will be the beginning of a long-term foundation! We are also seeing a pressing need for a large ex-military supply vehicle such as a Mercedes-Benz Unimog that can carry many people and supplies to remote locations.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and support. We love all of you and can't do this without you. We mean that from the bottom of our hearts!