Video Team Tribute - Crossing a Bridge

8/11/2011 03:45:00 PM sendtheroths 2 Comments

After seven layovers, three delayed flights, a night in metropolitan Lisbon, Portugal with a first class upgrade across the Atlantic and a four-hour bus ride from Miami… I’m finally home in Orlando.

I (Amethyst) have learned that the right attitude, even throughout my misfortunes, can somehow be a blessing. This was case with my trip home. Forty hours of travel turned in sixty-two hours of travel, but through it, I got a short vacation that was paid for by the airline.
Upon my return, I would like to give a short tribute video to Pastor Steve, Clarence and some of our good friends in Congo.

On our way home from the village of Nyanzale (where we were held up by rebels); we decided to have fun crossing a local bridge. This was some footage of our… well… silliness.

My father-in-law once said, “If you’re going to make it through marriage doing what you do, then you’ve got to learn to laugh… A lot!”

I hope you can laugh with us this time.


  1. LOL...."Cup of pain looks like this". This made me laugh really hard several times
