Prayer Request: Non-Government Organization License

8/17/2011 09:56:00 PM sendtheroths 1 Comments

Andrew has remained in Congo to attain the non-government organization license. This license will allow us to legally work in Congo and be recognized by the Congolese government and the United Nations.

There’s only two more days to get the license, before Andrew leaves, so we need your prayers. We have been working to attain this license for the past few months and we are very close.

Andrew has spent this week translating documents from English to French and meeting with legal representatives. We ask that you pray for this process. By getting our NGO license, we will have many more open doors to minister in the rural area. We will also have protection from the United Nations. And most importantly, we will be able to attain property in the organization’s name.

Thank you for your prayers. We are believing for the license to go through this week with minimal hassle or expenses.

1 comment :

  1. Praying! Thankful for your obedience and believing for the advancement of the Lord's word. It'll all work out for the Glory of God! :)
