On the way to Africa

2/24/2012 03:31:00 AM sendtheroths 0 Comments

Update from Amethyst

We are heading back to the Congo, once. Our itinerary starts in Orlando, than to Washington, to Belgium and on to Rwanda. Expect our plane to touch down by late night tomorrow.

We are hitting the ground with a lot more clarity on what to do-- more so than any other year. Our plans include three months of Kiswahili language school; receiving a team of 6 members; launching an intensive disciple program and building the Nord-Kivu Training Center.

I’ll give more details in the future videos and updates, but until than, please pray for the following:

·      God’s hand to be with us as we travel: we intend to drive to Tanzania for three months of language school within four days of our arrival.
·      Productivity with administrative work: Andrew needs to finish a financial statement to GOF, I need to send out the next video update and we will be working with our Congolese staff to renew our paperwork for the Toyota Surf.
·      Monthly Support:  We are still in need of an extra $500/month in monthly commitments.
·      Language School: that we will gain adequate knowledge and understanding of Kiswahili while we study in Tanzania.
·      Nord Kivu Training Center: I am working on a video that will cast vision on the Training Center that we are building. We will also be bringing the news about the center to our leadership team.