Destination Africa: Feb 22

2/06/2012 10:28:00 AM sendtheroths 1 Comments

We can't begin to express our thankfulness and gratitude the past couple of months. We've had so many divine connections and amazing testimonies of the Lord's provision. Pray for us as we continue to meet with pastors, donors and make new contacts. If you would like to meet with us before we leave on Feb 22 please contact us 262-308-5691 or by email

We have had several people approach us to become monthly donors. Without our monthly donors we wouldn't be able to do what we are doing, impacting rural communities in northeast DRC with the fullness of the Gospel. We are in need of at least $500 more in monthly support before we leave.If you would like to help make this a reality, partner with us

Airline tickets - The Lord made a way for us to find discounted round-trip airfare for just under $1,600 per person. That is over a $1,000 savings!

We have been making divine connections just when we need them. They are small things, but significant that the Lord has provided as if to say to us, "I have you under control. Trust in me and I will guide you and let you know that I am there."

One example, family came in to town this week to vacation at Disney. They asked us if we would like to join them but we didn't have the funds to pay for two admissions, we're preparing to go to Africa anyways! However, after speaking at a church service, a lady approached us and said that she worked for Disney and that she would like to offer us two free passes!

1. We just sent out for our Congo visas in Washington, D.C. There should be no reason why we don't get our visas but please continue to pray that our visas are granted without any problems.

2. We need to finalize the payment for our Swahili school. They want half of the payment up front for the three months we'll be there. Though monthly, we are able to pay for it, paying upfront is a slight financial burden to us. Also, spaces are starting to fill up. Pray that we're able to secure our spots!

3. Pray for my (Andrew's) family as my Grandpa Roth passed away. Please uplift the Roth family in your prayers in this time of grieving. Pray that this would an opportunity for Jesus to shine and the family come into knowledge of the Son.

4. Favor and anointing as we continue to speak at churches and that we would be able to be a blessing to them as we minister and share about our vision for Congo.

5. Peace of mind as we have so many last minute things to do before we leave in the midst of our meetings, speaking engagements, etc. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day but pray that we maximize our effectiveness but yet keep our sanity!

1 comment :

  1. Dear Brothers, I am so much impressed by the updated Web of our NGO.
    Congo team and community of Mpati need your help out. You can easily scroll down the Map of DRC, north part of Masisi center, towards Kichanga , take left side. Many child soldiers and all IDPs are willing to coperate and work for their best future genaration.
    Would mind coming over?
    MONUSCO is Here, We should accommodate your arrival.
    GOFC board member.
