Back to the Congo

5/31/2012 09:13:00 AM sendtheroths 1 Comments

We have officially finished with language school.

We begin our 3-4 day journey back to Congo tomorrow at 5:45 a.m. The Toyota Surf is full to the brim with items that we’ve brought for a cheaper price in Tanzania including Bibles, a stove, a collapsible bunk bed and a kitchen table.

It’s hard to believe that three months ago, we were Swahili novices. Today, we can carry on relatively long conversation with someone. However, it’s still hard to communicate deep concepts. It’s also hard to relate to sayings or phrases on the street, because African reasoning is sometimes so opposite to Western reasoning.

Upon our return to Congo, we are looking to rent long-term (about three years) a compound for ourselves, visitors and possibly even offices/meeting space for official GOF-C meetings and classes for the training center. This is not an easy undertaking.

Our route from Iringa, Tanzania to Goma, DR Congo.

For those who have googled Congo lately, the news out of that country has been horrific. Our city alone, Goma has received tens of thousands of internally displaced war refugees, which its infrastructure, simply can’t handle.

All I know is that we are there, for such a time as this. To encourage the believers, to lift up their hands and take back the lost souls who Satan has had His hands on for years. The battle is strong, but the Jesus inside of us is much stronger.

I would like leave you a few pictures from the our time at River Valley Campsite learning Swahili with Iringa Swahili School. We’ve made some great memories and wonderful relationships. Andrew even picked up a business customer for Roth Media Group, which is our for-profit/tent-making arm that we use to creatively make money. Check out the website that he put together. 

1 comment :

  1. 2 Timothy 3:15-17
    15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.<><

    Amazingly proud of you both. Love u both and a continuously prayers goes your way. Be bless and stay safe <><
