Pray for Congo... and us too!

5/25/2012 11:13:00 AM sendtheroths 0 Comments

I want to thank you for an awesome response to the need Swahili Bibles. We negotiated with the Christian bookstore here in Tanzania and got a 15 percent discount on top of the already low price. We are able to buy more Bibles than what we expected.
I have some specific requests to lift up. Put us in your cubical, on the refrigerator, locker or wherever you want. Your prayers are important to us. I'm convinced that when we lack the strength and discipline to pray without ceasing, YOU, our readers, our supporters and our family carry us.

Thank you from Africa: Asante sona rafiki zetu.

Prayer Requests for GOF-Congo
-       Training Center Discipleship Program - That God would raise up Congolese who will commit to a four month training program that is meant to prepare and launch the DRC Training Center.
-       DRC Training Center – A multipurpose facility that is meant for 24/7 prayer and worship; a community center where people can come to receive healing and practical training on how build there community sustainably and holistically.
We live in the Goma, DRC.
-       Demobilized Child Soldiers – There is a generation of young people, ranging from 7-25 years in age, that have spent most of their lives in and out of militia groups. We believe that we will witness this generation’s healing and even see them become pastors and leaders in the same communities that they once wreaked havoc on. Pray that God would guide the GOF-Congo team to have open opportunities to touch the lives of these young people. That the power of the Holy Ghost at work would make it difficult for militant groups in DRC to recruit (or re-recruit) young soldiers.
-       Pray for Jenny, Katelyn and Clarence—a team of young people who will join us this summer. Pray that that the Holy Spirit would lead them as they raise funds and that their trip wouldn’t just be a one-month mission trip. Pray that this trip will leave sustained impact for them and each Congolese that they come in contact with.
-       Lastly, pray for the safety and courage of every person who is working in northeast DRC, whether they are foreign or local. Pray that God’s laborers wouldn’t be disillusioned by money, humanism or hardships. Pray that His will would be done and that the Church would rise up in the power of the amazing love and BOLDNESS of Jesus Christ.