Video: Goma Orphan Feeding Program

9/23/2012 11:47:00 AM sendtheroths 0 Comments

Pastor Euclide runs a humble church in  Birere, Goma's largest slum. Despite its size and lack of funding, the church impacts the community, especially in the area of reaching children.

When the church was tragically demolished by an uncontrolled fire, we started a sustainability project that helped the church to rebuild itself. The church struggles to meet the needs of the community at the same level that the local Mosques are able to, which are becoming increasingly prominent in this region.

We partnered with Euclide and Partners in Harvest Church of Birere to feed the children who attend his weekly children's outreach. At this outreach, children learn about the Bible, how to pray, how to worship and how to use the spiritual gifts to change their community. In addition, volunteers in the church teach them lessons in mathematics and phonics. Many of the children are unable to attend school, so this is the only education they have.

Pastor Euclide sits on the advisory board for our organization in Congo. He represents the voice of underprivileged children in the community. We believe that he's raising the future leaders of Goma: leaders we will work closely with in the near future. This is one of the local projects we work with and support.