Video: Goma Training Center

9/25/2012 04:55:00 PM sendtheroths 0 Comments

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We officially launched the Goma Training Center this month. Forty leaders subscribed to the intensive training, where we drill them with theology and practical principles for development such as reconciliation, cooperative leadership, discipline, vision casting and sustainability projects. We have lawyers, pastors, teachers, university students and even security officers going through program ranging from ages 20-45. The requirements are extremely stringent (especially for this culture). Andrew has taken on a pastoral role for this time to properly disciple these people. The joys of a pastor and everything that goes with it: correction, peer-to-peer counseling, house calls, and so much more.  The only difference is that unlike a pastor, we reserve the right to dismiss people from the training if their performance is below the required expectations.

It is impossible for us to expand without a serious delegation of responsibilities. This is why the leadership-training program is important. We are reproducing ourselves. Everything from project management, administration, research, curriculum development and translation will essentially be delegated to Congolese leaders.  We have now picked up 3 unofficial part-time Congolese staff and intend to employ more in God's time. We are writing professional contracts for these people to join the official GOF-C team. Others are doing work on a volunteer basis.

The GTC is a multipurpose facility where leaders can receive intensive training on how to develop their community. It aims to be the epicenter for 24/7 prayer, evangelism through holistic outreach, discipleship, community development and justice for demobilized child soldiers. We are launching two more Training Centers, one in Masisi and another in Rutshuru. These are the most volatile territories and will serve very different populations than in Goma. We plan to keep the same model but tailor it to fit the needs of those particular communities.